Kirby Canvas Curse Review
Now here is a review of Kirby Canvas Curse for the Nintendo DS. This is a very fun game. Apparently Kirby has been turned into a little ball by a witch. The game is basically you
having to go around and keep Kirby from hitting any little spikes because he doesn't want his little bubble bottom hurt. You do this by drawing Rainbow lines with the DS stylus. There are not only spikes but enemies too (YAY). Amazingly enough, there is not sucking and blowing involved!! (that may be bad for perverts though). He apparently absorbs them into his little ball body. The good things about this game are.... The levels are really fun, in them you go through and collect these special coins to unlock minigames. You can choose which boss you would like to battle. That is really good because if you suck at it you can always choose the easiest one. This game has a nice sidescroller graphics system that is very smooth. The bottom screen is used for gameplay, when the lonely, cold, worth nothing, top screen only does, how much rainbow you have left, lives, navigation, and a few other worthless things. Overall, this game is a very fun and enjoyable experience on your DS. A 4 out of 5.
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