I don't know about you, but i think that it is amazing that a retired 50 year old Navy seal can come back and do another mission. Well i do. Yes, of course i am talking about Sam Fisher in his second game called, Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow. This game is 100% better than the first

one. First the improvements/the good. The graphics have gotten a big boost. Facial expressions look much more incredible. The inviroments look incredible. The story is very good. Apparenly, the same evil agency as the first game, is planning to do an operation know as Pandora Tomorrow. You must stop this operation. The game is still nice and challenging. There are some great weapons and some very interesting substitutes for things that can kill. You still need a lot of patience for this game, but the gameplay makes up for it. The controls are pretty good, if you played the first game, you are a master at the controls. The enemies actually yell curse words! But, they are still as stupid as they were in the first game. "I hear something, what do you think it is?" "Oh, it is probably that guy in the spandex in broad daylight that looks like the enemy, but lets look around the room for no reason to make sure." "Ok." So they don't really say this, but it is that obvious. Although the intelligence of the enemies are not the best, they can aim great. That is about the time when the controls get annoying. Sam then decides he is going to go towards the bullets because they are pretty. So you get it, the AI is not the best, but the game makes up for that. Pandora Tomorrow is definetly a must have to put next to your Halo 2 and Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. And now that it is $20, there is no excuse. Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow gets 5 jell-o molds out of 5.
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