It's time to begin the National Burnout Day Ceremony! Here is a review of Burnout 3: Takedown for the PS2 and XBOX. So all you people who really love Burnout and only have that little box from Nintendo, it look

s like you're gonna either be out of $150 or Burnout. I'd go with the $150 because this game is off da hook. I really don't see why they don't just call this game Kill All Cars since that's all you do anyway. Now to the actual game. IT IS GREAT IT IS GREAT IT IS GREAT! I really can't say that enough. The gameplay is very easy to learn and it is great fun right out of the case. The crashes are very fun to watch. Then again who doesn't love watching a good car crash? That's really what sells games in the first place - BIG BOOMS - and Takedown is FULL of them! The big addition to this version of Burnout is TAKEDOWNS! This is the most fun thing about the game, the ability to take out other racers and put them behind. Gaining boost is also a reward of taking down stuff, the other real reward is just letting out your anger on them. There are many different kinds of takedowns, the best of which are Signature Takedowns. Who doesn't love using a car to go fishing off the side of a cliff ('Gone Fishing' signature)? There are so many game modes it's hard to remember all of their names. Let's see there's crash (self-explanatory), race (see last parenthesis), road rage (my favorite game mode), eliminator (last place gets knocked off every lap), time trial (who ever doesn't know what that is, you need to be transferred to a lower level blog), and there are probably others that I can't even remember. Now the Road Rage mode is a very simple mode of the game in which your goal is to take out any and all other racers as many times as possible. So if you are very stressed just get a little stress ball and strap into the drivers seat for a mode of Road Rage, it is amazing how well this relieves stress (I think the ball is what helps the most). There are TONS and TONS of

tracks. The cars are the one bad thing, there may be 70 but they are non licensed. Then again who would want to wreck a real car? You can unlock all 70 by reaching certain goals during World Tour Mode. Another addition is Impact Time in which after a crash you can slow time and steer your car into the pathes of others for Aftertouch takedowns or pick up bonuses in Crash mode. One other addition is the CrashBreaker in Crash mode, which makes your car go boom after a certain number of cars pile into your crash. The graphics are VERY good. The shine off of the cars is amazing. A bad thing about the graphics, there is a graphical glitch that makes the game un-playable for a while. If you just take it out and play another game or do something else for a while it should fix. The bad thing is the screen gets kinda crowded when cars are flying everywhere. The music is pretty good with some popular rock-alternative songs in the soundtrack. The DJ gets SO ANNOYING. There IS a reason you can turn him off and I recommend doing so. There is a freaking massive multiplayer and online mode. There are so many modes I haven't even gotten to try all of them. I think there are about 15 between online and multiplayer. That is pretty much it I guess. Even with the glitch and the unlicensed cars I give Burnout 3: Takedown 5 Signature Takedowns out of 5.
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